Eugene Weavers Guild COVID-19 Library Procedures
The following borrowing and return procedures which will be in effect until further notice. For everyone’s safety, the library bookcases will be off-limits to everyone, except the librarians.
At least one of our librarians will work at the Guild library on every other Monday.​
To check out library materials:​​
Search the library databases on the Guild’s website to find the book or item you want
Email your request to both Kathie Lindlan and Susan McConnell​
Include the full code, author(s) and title in your email request​
If you request a magazine, please state the date, volume and number of the issue you want because they are not listed in the database
After receiving your email, on a Monday one of the librarians will:
Locate your requested materials
Check them out to you​
Put them in a bag with your name on it​
Put the bag on the table in the library areaŸ​
You will receive an email when your materials are ready to be picked upŸ
Keep the bag and use it to return your loans to the library​
- ​To return library materials, put your returned items (in the original bag) in the plastic tub (Quarantine box) on the table in front of the library bookcasesŸ
Returned materials will remain in the return/quarantine box for 2 weeks
We will check in your returned items, replace the loan card as usual and re-shelve returned materials on the next workdayŸ
If you request something that is not available, we will put your name on a waiting list and notify you when you can pick it up at the library.
Please contact Susan McConnell orKathie Lindlan if you have any concerns about or difficulties with these procedures.