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The Flowing Colors Project

In May of 2024 the Eugene Weavers’ Guild received a grant from the Association of Northwest Weavers’ Guilds to fund three dye sessions. Thirty guild members took advantage of the opportunities to dye warps and skeins in the Eugene Textile Center Dye Kitchen. On July 11th participants used the Dye Over Ice technique to dye cellulose yarns. On July 18th participants painted their yarns with procion fiber-reactive dyes. And on July 25th participants had the chance to dip their yarns in an indigo vat and paint with thickened natural dyes.


These three dye sessions constitute the first half of the Flowing Colors Project. Guild members are now working individually to transform their dyed yarns into woven textiles. The Flowing Colors Project will culminate with a show of the finished items in the Eugene Textile Center Gallery in May of 2025.

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